Friday, April 5, 2013

HQ Administrators Hope to Fascinate

(Left to right) Dr. Linda Eller, information services administrator; Sally Hogshead, award winning speaker and author; Phyllis Hickey, operation services administrator; Nita Scott, membership services administrator, and Corlea Plowman, executive director, pause during book signing activities to smile for camera.
 When Society Headquarters' administrators took some professional development time recently, they attended the Great Ideas Conference sponsored by the American Society of Association Executive (ASAE). Keynoter Sally Hogshead challenged the ASAE audience to use their personalities' natural advantages to fascinate members. The administrators took advantage of the free test offered through the conference and purchased Hogshead's latest book. I don't know if we'll become fascinating but we do have some new tools to use. The internet holds numerous pages about Hogshead and her Fascination: Your 7 Triggers of Persuasion and Captivation. It's worth a search!

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