Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Did time fly? You bet it did!

Kathy Flynn and I celebrate in Chicago.

Members of the 2006-2008 Administrative Board pose before the banquet.

My goal was a weekly posting. It's been six months.
My goal was to lose 10 pounds. That didn't happen either (I'll spare you the details).
My goal was a successful International Convention in Chicago. We worked as a team to make that happen! Thank you, headquarters staff and Illinois members (especially Carol Hughes).
On a personal note, my husband is out of rehabilitation following his stroke in May. In the last eight months he has gone from being in intensive care and unable to move the left side of his body to being very mobile and passing his driving test to get back on the road. Thank you to everyone who said a kind word for us, sent cards or held us in your hearts. We felt the love and are so appreciative.
NOW, I have just finished editor duties for another issue of the NEWS, continue to work with the website, conduct site visits for future events, prepare for committee meetings, followup on committee meetings, answer emails, work with Regional Directors for pre-conference plans, and much more. Jill Foltz and Phyllis Hickey complete this team of HQ Administrators. We combine forces on many projects, which truly improves the results.
FOR THE FUTURE...May your New Year offer you happiness and success. I see it in our Society's future.

Friday, August 1, 2008

End Summer with less worry, hurry

Did August arrive early? I don't know about you, but my summer has been filled with work, convention, seminar, errands, family demands, home improvement/repair projects, and a long list of other things to do. When the TV ads began the Back-to-School hype, I gasped, "It's August already?"

With demands created by all the follow-up to recent Society events (paying bills, noting thank yous, writing minutes for the various meetings, documenting feedback, announcing changes, etc.), I've taken an End-of-Summer Pledge to be a little less hurried, a little less worried, and a lot more happy.

Join me in a "mini-staycation" (a short vacation while staying at home). Plan an informal BBQ and let everyone bring a dish to keep it simple; create your own spa and indulge in candles, chocolate, a book, and bubbles at home; spend an afternoon shopping in your pajamas at your computer with a nice tall, cool drink by your side; call a friend you haven't seen in a long time and chat, chat, chat ; or let your mind run wild ... Whatever you do; please don't let August end without treating yourself to a little less hurry and worry.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Chicago Convention

Good grief! How time flies. As we work on providing an exciting Seminar in Purposeful Living in Dubuque, IA, prior to the International Convention in Chicago, time is fleeting fast. Planning for a September meeting of 2008-2010 committee chairs and Administrative Board members and Educational Foundation Board of Trustees is also in the mix.

Of course, contracts for various future events are in the works or being verified, refreshed, etc. We are available to answer questions, provide information, and help when you call.

An application is available under Downloads for a position as Communication Services Administrator. This member should plan to work in Austin, TX, and enjoy a challenging position in a supportive environment.

I hope to see you in Chicago!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

In like a lion?

Ask anyone suffering from "just one more snow storm" and she will tell you that March did come in like a lion. Our clocks have jumped forward in most states to save daylight. March 20 will mark the first day of Spring, and we are ready for some Spring weather! Not that I'm wishing my life away...just ready for more sun, less wind.
The calendar is filling with state organization conventions and meetings. Chapters are electing officers for 2008-2010, and the international convention is coming closer and closer.
Where has the time gone? I hope you have enjoyed your time, savored a book or two, visited a friend or three, and considered a thought or maybe four!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

May chapter members rekindle your fire

Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light.-Albert Schweitzer

Enjoy the programs, visit with someone you don't know as well as you might like, mentor a member who needs extra help this month, and find that you are better for it. My chapter members nurture each other with hugs, phone calls, notes, email and food. We all are the better for it. May your chapter rekindle your fire in 2008.