Sunday, September 16, 2007

Don't Stress your Vocal Chords

Maybe this picture will post better than the last effort.

We can always learn technology and programs and ...

Hope you are stretching your limits and pushing the envelope, so to speak. As educators we are constantly challenging ourselves as well as our students.

A recent article about saving our voices caught my eye. Evidently we stress our vocal chords as much as a professional singer! BUT we don't take as good care of our voices as singers do. Talking over noisy classes to get students' attention... Talking to large groups without microphones... Raising our voices to make a point (all day long) ... And the list goes on.

So think about your voice and take care of it as you work this year. Your health is necessary for you to nurture others; be as nurturing to yourself. Your voice is that of a professional! Add it to your list important tools to have checked regularly.

Hard Hat for whatever may come ...

The scene is Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and the 2007 Southwest Regional Conference. Friends decided to have a little party and "roast" me. This hard hat (yes, they make hard hats other than yellow domes!) was among the unique gifts.
Fun and pizza with friends during an excellent regional conference. Who could ask for anything more?

Sunday, September 2, 2007

New hairdo means new photo

My mug shot has been updated to show a new hairdo and, yes, glasses! What do you think? Try again? Keep it?

New BSA is here!

Phyllis Hickey began moving into her Busness Services Administrator's office Wednesday, Aug. 15. She has jumped right in as she helped put areas back in order following roof repair and rain damages to our headquarters building.

I am so glad to have her happy personality join our team! We are already enjoying her fresh look at procedures and her suggestions.