Sunday, November 4, 2007

Regional Conferences Inspire

We traveled, we met, we learned, we networked, we shared, we taught, and we were inspired.

Southeast= New Orleans, LA, June 25-30
Southwest= Oklahoma City, OK, July 11-14
Northwest= Vancouver, BC, July 16-21
Northeast= Traverse City, MI, July 23-28
Europe= Strawberry Hill, GB, July 30-Aug. 4

Speakers at each venue were varied, informative and engaging. I learned so many things from how the London mayor's council to improve the number of women in the city's service areas works to how water reacts to sound and surrounding conditions. I met native Americans, heard a jazz trumpeter who has played for Presidents and Popes, learned about a variety of educational issues and solutions, and experienced caring women donating to others.

If you didn't make it to a regional conference, you were missed! We hope to see you in Chicago for the 2008 International Convention, July 22-27, at Hyatt Regency O'Hare.

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