Sunday, November 24, 2013

I'm so far behind that I thought I was first in line

Name these members and their state organization. Win a little goodie.
Miss e-mail for a few days and hundreds are lined up in the inbox. Go to regional conventions and check your email on a phone once or twice a day, and the list explodes. "To Do It" lists seem to multiply also. It's not death by chocolate, but burial by email. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. We've all been there.

This photo is from a visit to a southern state during the 2013 state organization season. I was fortunate to attend this meeting and
talk to numerous members involved in wonderful projects.
From "opera stars" to concert pianist and statewide program developers and one-of-a-kind school programs, the members of the state organization add excellence in all areas to our Society. Great members in a great state. Be the first to send me the names and state organization and I'll send you DKG goodie.

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