We just finished a week with the Constitution Revision Team. Starting at 7:30 or 8 a.m. and working until 11:30 p.m. (or longer in bedroom meetings), we pulled together the input from at least four years for committee structure, two years for Constitution and Standing Rules suggestions/recommendations, and a full history of previous recommendations. Teamwork helped cull duplication. Double checking and much work prior to the meeting helped reorganize items into a planned sequence or placement. The team worked on updating wording, researching history of practices, linking like itesm, and numerous other details.The work will continue as rough drafts are read, re-read and scrutinized by the team, registered parliamentarian Ardith Inman, and the Society's attorney. The Revision Planning Group will meet electronically Dec. 3. (Heidi Chadwick (CA) and I pose by State Orgnization tree at HQ--it has ornaments sent from most of the Society's state organizations.)

The Leadership Development Committee met recently and began planning great presentations for chapter and state organization presidents in Spokane, WA. The Expansion Committee will meet next month. International President Dr. Carolyn Rants, Expansion Committee Chair Mary Lee Makinen, Latin American Representative Mury Palerm-Ferri, and Panama Organizer Jeannette Zuniga are representing the Society for the installation of Panama as our 17th country. The ceremonies will be Friday, Nov. 27, in Panama City, Panama.
Dr. Rants, Linda Eller, Phyllis Hickey and I drove to Houston to attend the Texas Women's Conference and gather additional ideas for topics, speakers, formats, etc. for conventions and conferences. Suzi Orman was among the outstanding speakers we heard. We shared information from the various sessions we attended, and (of course) we bought books! [Then the valet lost my car key and spent an hour trying to find the car and/or key before telling us the real problem! The key arrived the day after I had new keys reprogramed for the car.]
Linda Eller is working with the marketing firm to update our web site design. You will be so excited when it is unveiled early in 2010. The Social Network software and bridges and links and programming are being completed also. (Yes, it has many pieces to complete!) We hope to begin "populating" and testing soon. Be sure to congratulate Linda on her first issue of the NEWS (Nov/Dec).
More than half of our state organizations are taking advantage of the GoToMeeting special pricing. Virginia Pearson is walking state officers and international committee members through the process as requested.
Dr. Rants, Phyllis Hickey and I visited Spokane, WA, to meet with the International Convention Steering Committee and tie down more details for the convention in July 2010. Great ideas and more to come. We plan to have registration, tour and hotel information posted on the web site for everyone in January. Check the home page for how to become a vendor at the convention.
We've sent materials to all chapter and state organization presidents for annual and biennial reports. The ISF Committee will meet electronically Dec. 1.
Answering email and phone calls is a little backed up for me right now, but I'm working my way through them. Still must have convention speaker contracts with numerous details for arrangements and assorted day-to-day business. We are advancing the Society!
Dr. Rants, Linda Eller, Phyllis Hickey and I drove to Houston to attend the Texas Women's Conference and gather additional ideas for topics, speakers, formats, etc. for conventions and conferences. Suzi Orman was among the outstanding speakers we heard. We shared information from the various sessions we attended, and (of course) we bought books! [Then the valet lost my car key and spent an hour trying to find the car and/or key before telling us the real problem! The key arrived the day after I had new keys reprogramed for the car.]
Linda Eller is working with the marketing firm to update our web site design. You will be so excited when it is unveiled early in 2010. The Social Network software and bridges and links and programming are being completed also. (Yes, it has many pieces to complete!) We hope to begin "populating" and testing soon. Be sure to congratulate Linda on her first issue of the NEWS (Nov/Dec).
More than half of our state organizations are taking advantage of the GoToMeeting special pricing. Virginia Pearson is walking state officers and international committee members through the process as requested.
Dr. Rants, Phyllis Hickey and I visited Spokane, WA, to meet with the International Convention Steering Committee and tie down more details for the convention in July 2010. Great ideas and more to come. We plan to have registration, tour and hotel information posted on the web site for everyone in January. Check the home page for how to become a vendor at the convention.
We've sent materials to all chapter and state organization presidents for annual and biennial reports. The ISF Committee will meet electronically Dec. 1.
Answering email and phone calls is a little backed up for me right now, but I'm working my way through them. Still must have convention speaker contracts with numerous details for arrangements and assorted day-to-day business. We are advancing the Society!
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