Wednesday, June 27, 2012

At our HQ Home for a few weeks

Austin, Texas, may be shining its 100° sun on us, but the birds and wildlife are enjoying the lovely “Sisters” fountain outside my window. Nevada state organization donated this fountain when portions of the Society headquarters building were last updated around 1994.

    It’s a lovely and peaceful sight to see and enjoy as I try to balance an account for convention or juggle rooms, people and equipment. It’s also a reminder of how much support we enjoy from so many places in the world.
     May your preparations for Leadership Management Seminar at the University of Texas- Austin; Educational Foundation Seminar in Purposeful Living in Washington, D.C.; 2012 International Convention in New York City; or somewhere special for you to visit bring you renewal.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Great Ideas Presents Challenges

The 2012 Great Ideas Conference by American Society of Association Executives blew me away this year. Each evening Linda Eller, Phyllis Hickey, Nita Scott and I met to compare notes on the various sessions we had attended. We took new notes and decided to add items to our technology plan or our headquarters plan or our personal plans. We were challenged to use new social media, to do twice as much work in one-half the time and to breathe.
     We have already shared some ideas with Dr. Jensi Souders and hope to implement them in New York City July 24-28!

Flying time takes calendar

Pausing to color a "Sacred Cow" was more calming than I thought. We then planted the art in a color pot.
It started in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with a Great Ideas Conference offered by American Society of Association Executives. Then visiting Amsterdam, Oslo and West Virginia was followed by an International Finance Committee and Transition meeting. Living in a body that could not decide what time zone to follow created interesting eating and sleeping habits.
     As I tried to keep up with office and other responsibilities, I realized my calendar had suffered time lag, whiplash and several severe -itis complications. It stalled in a time warp with twilight zone overtones and evaded my grasp.
     A trip to a spa (thank you HR team) and memories of visiting a "time out" area in Colorado have helped my calendar land on my desk and reveal that it is "mighty full" in the next two months. Hope you have full days and plan to come to the 2012 International Convention in New York City.