Sunday, January 4, 2009
9 things to do in 2009
1. Participate in chapter meetings. At a recent Kappa Lambda (TX) meeting, President Shirley Shay reminded members that seeing them was important. She said, “Come late, leave early, just drop in and see us. We know how busy everyone is, and we don’t waste time.” Good idea, Shirley.
2. Volunteer to help with a chapter project. Another set of hands is always appreciated and learning about something new is invigorating. You may even meet a new friend.
3. Submit your name for a state office or to serve on a state committee. Each state organization has a multitude of leadership opportunities. Why not make this the year you meet more members throughout the organization?
4. Attend your state organization convention. Want to be impressed, challenged, excited? Start by attending a state organization meeting. The Society women in your state organization are active in life, engaged in educational pursuits, knowledgeable in numerous areas, friendly mentors for you!
5. Attend your Regional Conference. Take advantage of the training, workshops, and speakers. Meet women from around the world at these venues:
* 9 State Organizations — Europe: Oslo, Norway, August 5-8
* 22 State Organizations — Northeast: Burlington, VT, July 22-25
* 26 State Organizations — Northwest: Portland, OR, July 29- Aug. 1
* 11 State Organizations — Southeast: Little Rock, AR, July 15-18
* 20 State Organizations — Southwest: Reno, NV, July 8-11
When visitors attend varying regions, you have even more diversity. You will enjoy the experience.
6. Take some time for yourself. Active women need time to recharge and refocus. Be kind to yourself, so you can be kind to others.
7. Absorb some culture. Visit a museum or take a tour (maybe in connection with your state convention or Regional Conference). It’s rewarding to learn something new or rekindle an interest.
8. Solve a mystery, find romance or enjoy a good laugh. The Arts are always on stage (screen) for your enjoyment! Or visit your favorite bookstore, download books, borrow a book…read.
9. Meet some future members. Invite someone new to your community to a meeting. Host a faculty snack party or similar function for prospective members. Have a reunion for women who have discontinued their membership.
Which of these can you accomplish right away? What would you add to make the list 10 or 12?